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Spider system changelog

Available system releases

Spider installation is done with a Helm chart.
Use the value in version column to load the appropriate version.

VersionDescriptionHelm chart
latestAlways latest developments!4.1.0
2024.10.20Gocipher + Improved parsing quality4.1.0
2024.07.17Gossiper + bug fixes3.1.1
2024.05.13Whisperer creation form + TCP payload decode + Timezone + UX3.0.0
2024.04.22-2Public links + Data storage policies + UX improvements3.0.0
2024.03.10-2Bug fixes + UX improvements2.13.0
2024.03.05Access filters + bug fixes + UX improvements2.13.0
2024.02.18Health API + bug fixes + UX improvements2.11.0
2023.12.21Refactoring and bug fixes2.7.0
2023.12.04Parsing bug fixes + UI improvements2.4.2
2023.11.19Dashboard delivery + bug fixes2.4.0
2023.11.01Fixes in PODs attachments management in Controller2.3.0
2023.10.26Management of 'missings' in filters + bug fixes2.2.0
2023.10.18Add Daemonsets in Controllers + some UI fixes2.2.0
2023.10.03Fixes in config schemas to allow empty oidc providers array2.2.0
2023.09.21Redis memory & CPU optimisations2.1.0
2023.09.03-2Controller release2.0.0
2023.07.25OpenID Connect release
Benched at 200 000 HTTP coms /min
2023.06.07Spider compatible Helmchart release1.0.7
2023.05.11Plugins store releaseN/A

Available Gocipher releases

Gocipher is the agent that captures TLS keys and send them.
It may be deployed through Docker, but also as a standalone binary.
The binary uses eBPF to be available on the Linux kernel of the system to observe.

1.0.0First release of Gocipher35a9e1dea6ba33cb3512844f701a1da71c35da502ac8656cdf8654bea09b1bc8

Available Gossiper releases

Gossiper is the agent that captures network communications and send them.
It may be deployed through Docker, but also as a standalone binary.
The binary requires libpcap to be available on the system to observe.

7.1.2Decode TLS packets to extract client random32f41ae99384ecdcb6db58a2d7e440fdd077e7a154ea36ecbae14e4fde231d0f
7.0.0First release of Gossiper, as a major version of Whispererbaee0a2e9817c46417479f86ad54a7d883d1511a30bf9274914bc8ade4de2620



  • 2024-10

    • spider-analyzer - 4.1.0
      • Include Gocipher Helmchart
      • New services to manage Gocipher and TLS keys
    • spider-controller - 1.4.0
      • Manage several Controllers on same cluster
    • spider-gocipher - 1.0.0
      • Initial release
  • 2024-07

    • spider-analyzer - 3.1.1
      • Upgrade controller embedded helmchart
    • spider-controller - 1.3.1
      • Use non privileged port for dns port in controller port
  • 2024-06

    • spider-analyzer - 3.1.0
      • Allow deploying Gossipers instead of Whisperers for debug and demo
  • 2024-04

    • spider-analyzer - 3.0.0
      • Data storage policies - ability to define policies for TTL of whisperer data
        • Helm chart values breaking changes
        • Configuration of pollers, whisp service and network view UI
      • Index migration for DSP
    • spider-analyzer - 2.15.0
      • Link service configuration changes for Public-Links deployment
        • Changes in Login, Links, NetworkView and many services
      • Index migration for link
  • 2024-03

    • spider-analyzer - 2.14.0
      • Increase limits for development only for images of which the sources are injected
    • spider-analyzer - 2.13.0 + spider-controller - 1.3.0
      • Reduce daemonsets and init containers requests and limits
      • Easier management of mounting dev folders when doing local dev
  • 2024-02

    • spider-analyzer - 2.11.0 + spider-controller - 1.2.0
      • Allow overriding imagePullPolicy for local dev
      • Add targets for backup and restore jobs
      • Upgrade Traefik
  • 2024-01

    • spider-analyzer - 2.8.1
      • Health API exposing Spider probes status
      • Expose Traefik dashboard in /dashboard when isDev is true
      • Add option to activate auth on the API


  • 2023-12
    • spider-analyzer - 2.7.0
      • Refactoring of Licence management
      • Bug fixes
      • Use version in Whisperer deployments
  • 2023-11
    • spider-analyzer - 2.4.0
      • Add flag to avoid localController resource generation for manifest / deployment stability in Argo (dates generation)
  • 2023-10
    • spider-analyzer - 2.3.0
    • spider-controller - 1.1.0
      • Improvements for local development deployments
  • 2023-10
    • spider-analyzer - 2.2.0
      • Better management of setup without secured smtp
      • Better management of setup without OIDC auth
  • 2023-09
    • spider-analyzer - 2.1.0
      • Added Controller component
      • Setup local-controller by default
      • Move Whisperer and Controller to public images
      • Removed Whisperer registry auth
      • Possibility to compress redis payload and avoid compression on main APIs used
    • spider-controller - 1.0.0
      • Allow to deploy a controller on any K8S
  • 2023-07
    • 1.3.2 - Restart services pushing demo data when demo flag changes
    • 1.3.0 - Allow changing any default service configuration using extraConfiguration key
    • 1.2.0 - Changed application configurations from JSON to YAML. Transform into JSON in Helm.
    • 1.1.0 - Add OIDC providers parameters
  • 2023-06
    • 1.0.7
      • Fix nodeport for debug.
      • Change resources RAM limit for microservices to allow debug of UIs.
      • Remove automatic restart of Config on update.
    • 1.0.6 - Add checksum for demo whisperer config
    • 1.0.5 - Refactor extra-ca-certs
    • 1.0.4 - Restructure Values to allow compute checksum of secrets for automatic redeploy on secret/config changes
    • 1.0.3 - Fix ingress host variable! Ingress was not working, but ingress controller failed to see the change :-/
    • 1.0.2 - Fix self-monitoring config file
    • 1.0.1 - Fix SMTP settings and add smtp.type value
    • 1.0.0 - Helmchart setup with demo, dev, debug, restore backup...



  • 2026-10 - v1.0.0
    • First release
    • Capture TLS keys using eBPF
    • TLS 1.3 support from OpenSSL 1.1.1 to 3.0.x
    • Supports targets as containers, pid or executable path
    • Complete with status, multi targets etc.



  • 2026-10 - v7.1.2
    • Parse TLS application layer to extract client random
    • Add client random to TCP sessions
  • 2024-06 - v7.0
    • New agent in Golang
    • All features from Whisperers except
      • Pod name resolution (done by Controller)
      • Host preloading
      • VXLan
    • Lighter, less resource usage, faster
    • Manage new method of Capture: AF_NET
      • Accepts it in configuration
      • Reports it in status



  • 2024-02 - v6.2
    • Fix to allow defining DNSCACHE_HOST using a hostname rather than an IP at start. Hostname is resolved on regular DNS.
  • 2024-01 - v6.1
    • Report meaningful status when starting without license
  • 2024-01 - v6.0.5
    • Changed API names


  • 2023-10 - v6.0.4
    • Changed the default value for local hostname of whisperer to instanceId (on Kube - the pod name)
  • 2023-09 - v6.0
    • Manage ephemeral whisperers
      • Initial connection by token + renewal
      • Allow to use controller DNS
        • To resolve Pods IPs and names.
        • To connect to Spider (no need for Host Aliases)
        • Uses DNSCACHE_HOST & DNSCACHE_PORT env variables
        • If DNSCACHE_HOST is a hostname, it is resolved on standard DNS first.
      • Attachment status job checking Controller if we should stop whisperer
      • Status content upgraded
    • New WATCH_K8S_PODS to tell if we should not watch for k8s pods, even if not ephemeral (when = 0)
    • Manage limited time Attachments
    • Public image
  • 2023-06 - v5.7
    • When DNS answers several names for a single IP, take first one in alphabetical order


  • 2022-11 - v5.6
    • New - Upgrade to Node 18
    • New - Smaller docker image
    • New - New build target: i386 for 32 bits systems
    • New - When in Kubernetes env, connect to Kube API to fetch and cache namespaced pod list to resolve PODs IPs instead of using DNS
  • 2022-11 - v5.5
    • Imp - Improve queue management when server is under pressure
  • 2022-01 - v5.4
    • Imp - Adjust packetLot to -2 when packet is late - after next pL
  • 2022-01 - v5.3
    • Imp - Add relativeAck to packets
  • 2022-01 - v5.2
    • Imp - Add option not to capture / send packet without data to spare CPU and network.
    • Imp - Do not ask for parsing of packets belonging to a packetLot over a certain size
  • 2022-01 - v5.1
    • New - Option to avoid duplicated Tcp sessions when capturing both sides of the same communication
  • 2022-01 - v5.0
    • Imp - Parsing v2 - New format of Packet and TcpSession


  • 2021-09 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 16
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Webpack bundling


  • 2020-05 - Imp - Default filters not to capture communications to Spider servers
  • 2020-03 - Imp - Upgrade to Node Pcap v3
  • 2020-03 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 12


  • 2019-07 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 10 and migration to async await
  • 2019-07 - New - Whisperers send their version to BO
  • 2019-02 - New - Add hostnames to TCP sessions


  • 2018-12 - Imp - Better DNS reverse query
  • 2018-12 - New - Host preloading
  • 2018-11 - New - Token renewal job
  • 2018-08 - New - Circuit breakers on CPU & RAM
  • 2018-08 - New - Wait for IP resolving + track unresolved parameters
  • 2018-05 - Imp - Total error counts for monitoring
  • 2018-02 - New - Custom DNS / standard DNS


  • 2017-10 - New - Whisperer status sent to BO
  • 2017-09 - New - Remove control
  • 2017-09 - New - Queues to buffer sending packets and sessions
  • 2017-09 - New - Hosts filtering
  • 2017-06 - New - Custom reverse DNS
  • 2017-06 - New - VXLan parsing
  • 2017-03 - New - Slowness factor when playing files
  • 2017-01 - Imp - Technical improvements: Joi, Bunyan...


  • 2016-12 - New - Docker
  • 2016-06 - Imp - Update to Node 6
  • 2016-04 - New - Get config from Spider, API key, JWT
  • 2016-03 - Imp - Refactor, technical dev, move to promises
  • 2016-02 - New - Initial release



  • 2024-07 - v1.5
    • Imp - Node 20, Alpine 3.20
    • New - API for Gocipher to get list of Pods to target
  • 2024-07 - v1.4
    • New - Automatic reset of state every 5 min
  • 2024-06 - v1.3
    • Imp - Use standard user in container
    • New - Support Gossiper agent deployment
  • 2024-02 - v1.2
    • Imp - Use k8s resourceversion to capture past events when reconnecting. Manage restart from scratch when resourceVersion is too old.
  • 2024-02 - v1.1.1
    • Fix - Manage race condition when Controls and Controllers are restarted at once. Controllers were not connecting.


  • 2023-11 - Imp - Restart whisperer when ephemeral container reaches end of life, or when POD restart with same name
  • 2023-11 - Imp - Take POD attachments into account when searching for attachments on POD events
  • 2023-10 - Imp - Fix uniqueness of whisperers container names. Avoid seeing only one in memeory if many are created in the same second for a daemonset.
  • 2023-09 - New - First release of Spider Controller for Kubernetes with namespaces filtering, time to live, watch of Kubernetes objects etc.



  • 2024-10 - Imp - Remove WebWriteWarning as parsing quality is great
  • 2024-10 - Imp - Whisps, PackWrite, WebWrite, TcpUpdate, TcpWrite, TcpRead: manage TLS parsing
  • 2024-10 - New - Ciphers-Status poller, Ciphers-Raw-Status-Poller to synchronise statuses to ElasticSearch
  • 2024-10 - New - Ciphers-Status-Agg service to aggregate Gociphers statuses
  • 2024-10 - New - Ciphers-Status service to store Gociphers status
  • 2024-10 - New - Ciphers service to manage Gociphers
  • 2024-10 - New - Tls-Keys-Linker service to link Tls Keys to Tcp sessions
  • 2024-10 - New - Tls-Keys service to receive Keys from Gocipher
  • 2024-10 - Imp - Rework Tcp Parsers storage in Redis to allow parallel parsing / update
  • 2024-06 - New - Manage choice of captureMethod for Whisperer + manage it in status
  • 2024-06 - New - Support Gossiper agent
  • 2024-04 - Imp - Add a permission on Controllers to allow someone else than Admin and Controller
  • 2024-04 - New - Data storage policies for Whisperers. Many indices impacts + pollers changes.
  • 2024-04 - Imp - Changed link index from Rotated to Static + add purge. To manage link deletion and limit index count
  • 2024-03 - New - Public link features and APIs + restrictive access in many data and config API
  • 2024-03 - New - Access filters to restrict data access
  • 2024-02 - New - Add job to clean teams and customers that have deleted whisperers older than 1 week
  • 2024-02 - Imp - Add controllers and active attachments to backup
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Add deleted whisperers, controllers and attachments to purge
  • 2024-01 - New - /health API exposing probes status
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Change BO to start correctly even when no change, but block Whisperers from capturing.
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Controls clean shut down - Controls was not closing websockets connection on close.


  • 2023-12 - Imp - Add deployment system version in statistics sent to central
  • 2023-12 - New - Survey checker proxy in NetworkView BFF + refactor of service account token
  • 2023-11 - Imp - Add license name in Mails sent by Spider
  • 2023-11 - Imp - Fixed various race conditions that was communications without responses
  • 2023-09 - Imp - Add possibility to compress Redis payloads using Snappy.
  • 2023-09 - Imp - Add possibility to avoid compression of main API calls.
  • 2023-09 - Imp - New Controls component to manage Controllers. Impacted many.
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Do not take DELETED users into account on users creation or getByEmail
  • 2023-07 - New - Manage OpenId providers for user auth and account creation.
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Fixes under high load - benched at 200 000 HTTP coms /min
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Fixes for recovery after failures: removed expired items from queues
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 18
  • 2023-06 - Imp - Add prometheus /metrics page on Alert service
  • 2023-05 - New - Plugins store service
  • 2023-04 - New - Add shutdownDelay option
  • 2023-03 - Imp - Filters headers only after parsing
  • 2023-03 - Imp - False negative in parsing quelity are removed
  • 2023-03 - New - Management of 100 continue when client sent the body anyway ?!
  • 2023-03 - New - New alert firing when polling queues are getting too full
  • 2023-02 - Imp - Parsing status is disabled for Upload whisperers
  • 2023-01 - New - Monitoring supports Kubernetes deployments


  • 2022-11 - New - Decode x-ssl-cert header to extract CN into identification field
  • 2022-09 - New - Maintenance service to perform purge and indices cleaning
  • 2022-09 - New - Stats-Collector service to collect stats and send to Floocus
  • 2022-09 - New - Check license regularly and stop parsing activities when licence is invalid
  • 2022-08 - New - Allow creation of trainee and training team, allow deletion with automatic whisperer deletion.
  • 2022-08 - Imp - Allow import of hosts files
  • 2022-08 - Imp - Improve renaming of hosts with management of cache
  • 2022-07 - Imp - Ignore packets arriving late - after the next pL is started
  • 2022-07 - Imp - Tags cardinality & count
  • 2022-05 - Imp - Upgrade to Redis 7 and ES 7.17.4
  • 2022-04 - Imp - Manage authorized ES connections
  • 2022-04 - New - Protect against big packets lots - limit to 10Mb by default
  • 2022-03 - Imp - Improve Http parsing log streaming management & overhead, as well as parsing logs
  • 2022-03 - Imp - Improve scalability in parsing status mgt
  • 2022-01 - New - Parsers metrics (API, index, monitor job)
  • 2022-01 - New - Option to avoid duplicated packets when capturing both sides of the same communication
  • 2022-01 - Imp - Rework of parsing (v2) with many changes in data model and APIs. Improve performance and footprint! Fixed long tcp sessions issues, better code quality, and improved streaming of parsing.


  • 2021-09 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 16
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Upgraded to Traefik 2.4.8, Metric/Filebeat 7.11
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Move Redis back in Cluster for better maintenance
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Remove coupling between config service and infrastructure
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Upgrade to Redis 6.2
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Migrate to new component and index template since ES 7.8
  • 2021-03 - New - Customer GET user-token API for better impersonating. Manage in all services.
  • 2021-03 - New - Team service + Whisp team management
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Remove unnecessary fields from Customer (UI, Setup, Customer service)
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Upgrade to Docker 20.10.3
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Upgrade to ES 7.11
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Webpack bundling of deliverables - Smaller dockers


  • 2020-12 - Imp - Send mail to admin when new account is created (option)
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Merge Tags extracted from Httpcoms into single stats.tags object. Removed duplicates.
  • 2020-06 - New - New Alert services that send mail to administrator when a probe detects an error
  • 2020-06 - New - New field to index dates in minute resolution to fasten some queries
  • 2020-05 - New - Allow async searches on WebRead, TcpRead, PackRead, Hosts, WhispsStatus
  • 2020-05 - Imp - Replaced Redis DEL with UNLINK
  • 2020-05 - Imp - Upgrade to ES stack 7.7 (ES, Kibana, Beats)
  • 2020-05 - Imp - Output logs in Docker STDOUT and capture them from it. Improve Filebeat and Metricbeat config & index.
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Automatic renew token if cluster was asleep during renew time (Dev platforms)
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Externalized HttpCom raw content and headers storage to another index for performance in searches. New poller.
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Replaced Status Rollup by own implementation with Capture status poller as RollUp search was the slowest search of all
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Use local volumes for logs and filebeat for easier setup
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Do not store _source for metrics
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Refactor DAO, API, Config and CBStats
  • 2020-04 - Imp - Codes in log to aggregate info and ease analysis
  • 2020-03 - Imp - Restart services in case of configuration change
  • 2020-03 - Imp - API stats gathering
  • 2020-02 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 12
  • 2020-02 - Imp - Upgrade to Traefik v2.1
  • 2020-01 - Imp - Allow not saving TCP and HTTPPers
  • 2020-01 - Imp - Dedicated indices for Upload (longer TTL, and purge possible)
  • 2020-01 - Imp - Replicas reduction


  • 2019-11 - New - LDAP authentication
  • 2019-10 - New - Res Templates computing while parsing
  • 2019-10 - New - Req and Res Tags extracted while parsing
  • 2019-10 - New - Allows saving raw headers in resource, and when not to
  • 2019-09 - Imp - Use Elastic ILM to manage Spider indices
  • 2019-09 - New - Whisperers conf can now be used by many instances. 2 new services for status and dns.
  • 2019-07 - New - Expect 100 continue HTTP pattern is now understood
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Services check, at start, for their index in ES before connecting
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Redis reconnection works better
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Upgrade to metricbeat and filebeat 7.2
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Migration to ES 7.2
  • 2019-07 - Imp - New GuiSettings service to save user GUI settings
  • 2019-05 - Imp - Removed dependency to OpenSSL for API key generation and validation
  • 2019-05 - New - Admin may confirm account creation after notification by mail on creation/edition
  • 2019-05 - New - Confirm email address by mail on creation/edition
  • 2019-05 - New - Customers API now allows reinitialisation of passwords with secured process
  • 2019-05 - Imp - Confirmation/Alert email is sent when a password/email has been changed
  • 2019-05 - New - MailSender service to send emails
  • 2019-05 - Imp - Check email unicity when email is changed
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Use bcrypt to store and check passwords
  • 2019-03 - New - GuiLogs service to track errors in GUI
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Removed cookie creation and usage
  • 2019-02 - Imp - Force merge indices with many updates
  • 2019-02 - Imp - Change node process titles for easier monitoring
  • 2019-01 - Imp - End of migration of all BackEnd services to Node 10
  • 2019-01 - Imp - Second phase TCP parsing is now using a Redis queue to avoid parallel parsing and concurrency issues on saving


  • 2018-12 - Imp - Move from NGINX to Traefik
  • 2018-09 - Imp - Upgrade to ES 6.4
  • 2018-09 - Imp - Split Whisps service monolith into 3: Whisp, Whisp status, Host
  • 2018-02 - New - Rights managements on Whisperers
  • 2018-01 - New - Monitoring SSS production !!!
  • 2018-01 - New - Authorization and Rights Management !!
  • 2018-01 - New - Architecture fixes (concurrency)


  • 2017-12 - Imp - Filtering and not saving packets on Whisperers
  • 2017-11 - New - Links service
  • 2017-11 - Imp - Architecture rework: avoid retries, Node eventloop, Redis usage optimisation (Delete, Lua..)
  • 2017-11 - Imp - Architecture rework: automatic ids, ES refresh rate, Pollers rate, NGINX settings, OCC in Redis, Parsing in WebWrite
  • 2017-08 - New - Integrated monitoring APIs (and Kibana)
  • 2017-08 - Imp - Architecture upgrade with Redis and Pollers introduction for better performance
  • 2017-08 - New - Clusterisation with Swarm
  • 2017-07 - New - First release in Parkeon project team: CQRS, HTTP Parsing, UI with login..


  • 2016-02 - New - Starting Spider :-)



  • 2024-10 - New - TLS tab in Whisperers details to list Targets linked to this Whisperer
  • 2024-10 - New - Gociphers tab in user profile
  • 2024-10 - New - Manage TLS capture configuration on Whisperers + few improvements related to TLS
  • 2024-10 - New - Decode TLS sessions in TCP content tab
  • 2024-10 - New - Manage Gociphers: create, status, targets list, share, installation
  • 2024-06 - New - Manage choice of captureMethod for Whisperer + manage it in status
  • 2024-06 - Support Gossiper agent when attaching a Whisperer
  • 2024-05 - Imp - Decode JWT dates fields in HTTP Headers tab
  • 2024-05 - New - Adjust timezone of dates, per Whisperer or Globally
  • 2024-05 - New - New plugin slot to decode TCP payloads
    • Plugins released for HTTP, MQTT, Redis
  • 2024-05 - Imp - Tcp Content tab
    • Timeline
    • New handle on timeline cursor to move through time
    • Headers on top pf packetLots
    • Delay between 2 packetLots
    • Filter on packetLot
  • 2024-05 - Imp - Tcp Details - New handle on timeline cursor to move through time
  • 2024-05 - Imp - Tcp global tab - Progressive loading of parsed items inside the timeline
  • 2024-04 - New - Add form to make Whisperer creation more simple
  • 2024-04 - New - Data storage policy in Parsing configuration of Whisperers
  • 2024-04 - New - Public link feature
    • Ability to create a public link to share a link to someone not having a Spider account
    • Publishing permission on Whisperers and Teams
    • Open the link and limit access
    • Browse, search and delete links
    • Specific terms & conditions with new BFF API and saving in Central
  • 2024-03 - Imp - Improved matrix input component
  • 2024-03 - New - Access filters on team
    • Define access filters to limit users access to a subset of data
    • Show filters in User profile Teams tab
  • 2024-03 - Imp - Improve breadcrumb to keep remember opened tab
  • 2024-02 - Imp - User administration enhancements
    • Admin
      • is able to update others profile even when user is ACTIVE.
      • can remove email confirmation need
      • can validate the mail manually
      • can set password manually (when not ldap)
      • can set if user uses LDAP authentication
    • New user access tabs showing all access & rights a user has
      • User can see their own rights
      • Administrators can see and edit other users rights from these tabs
        • They may, this way, perform bulk update of access rights from the same user
    • Share tabs of Controllers, Whisperers & Teams now use tabs to display Teams & Users.
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Use hosts names from coms when listing servers and clients. Changed HTTP server filter to filter only on servers.
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Add helper info message when timeline loading takes to long telling to zoom or refine filters
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Add helper info message when no Whisperer is selected
  • 2024-01 - Imp - New icons to show that menu can be folded / unfolded
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Limit stats that can be opened at once to 10
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Save, reload and share dashboards


  • 2023-12 - Imp - English privacy terms
  • 2023-11 - New - Survey checker
  • 2023-11 - Imp - Dashboard loader
  • 2023-11 - Imp - Fixes in seq. diagrams
  • 2023-10 - New - Add 'missing' in list of values for some filters in HTTP view. A - Missing - is displayed in list. When selected, a special clause is added to see items without any value in this field.
  • 2023-10 - Imp - New columns to display, in HTTP view, new computed fields (without filters or sort)
    • duration of request (first packet -> last packet)
    • duration of response (first packet -> last packet)
    • latency between last packet of request and first of response
  • 2023-10 - New - Dashboard as an alternative of Map v10.0
  • 2023-10 - Imp - Hover on the header of the life line in the sequence diagram highlight the header and puts it on top
  • 2023-09 - New - Controller feature (see UI RNO) - v9.0
  • 2023-09 - Imp - Improved component used for sharing and tag & templates. Added Hz scroll when to many options.
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Make it impossible to change Whisperer type
  • 2023-07 - Imp - Move purge button to whisperer box, having it only active when purge on this whisperer is possible
  • 2023-07 - New - Redirect to login page on page load when using OIDC and token > 1min
  • 2023-07 - New - Login - Allow connection by OpenId Connect to various providers. Tested with Google, Gitlab, Github & Keycloak.
  • 2023-05 - New - Plugins store UI - v8.0
  • 2023-04 - New - Filter for column selection and UX improvements
  • 2023-04 - New - Badges for selected user, team and whisperer
  • 2023-03 - New - Dynamic HTTP tags filters in menu
  • 2023-02 - Imp - Upload improvements
    • Filter on instance after upload
    • Better timeline mgt
  • 2023-02 - Imp - Fixes after training
    • Delete the name of a host
    • Don't lose edition focus when whisperer is refreshed
    • No more errors when changing team and details opened


  • 2022-09 - New - License information in help panel + display pop in when invalid license
  • 2022-08 - New - Create trainees and training team
  • 2022-07 - New - Import & export hosts of a whisperer
  • 2022-07 - New - New hosts tab in whisperer details to show captured hosts and allow renaming
  • 2022-07 - Imp - Mark packets in wrong order in tcp details and content
  • 2022-07 - Imp - New TCP fields in Packet details and grid
  • 2022-07 - Imp - Tags cardinality & count
  • 2022-07 - New - Grid column ordering
  • 2022-06 - New - Add Whisperer option not to capture / send packet without data to spare CPU and network.
  • 2022-04 - New - Location link in HTTP details
  • 2022-04 - New - Progressive loading of Map and Timeline
  • 2022-04 - New - New plugin hook for client enrichment
  • 2022-04 - New - Manage too big packetLots
  • 2022-03 - Imp - Logo change
  • 2022-03 - New - Help, privacy terms, FOSS page
  • 2022-03 - Imp - Filters & undo improvements
  • 2022-03 - Imp - Option to anonymise user stats per user
  • 2022-02 - Imp - Free time selection improvement: validation / cancellation / size check...
  • 2022-01 - New - Option to anonymize user statistics globally
  • 2022-01 - New - Option to avoid duplicated communications or packets when capturing both sides of the same communication
  • 2022-01 - Imp - Adapt to parsing v2 API for upload, packets download and TCP details and content


  • 2021-12 - New - Display changelog
  • 2021-12 - New - Import / export of whisperer configuration from / to file
  • 2021-12 - New - Allow copying Teams conf to user, and allow user not to use team conf
  • 2021-10 - New - Check for updates when ui got focus
  • 2021-09 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 16 - latest libs
  • 2021-05 - Imp - Refactored UpdateView process
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Timeline zoomout + timeline tooltips
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Better impersonification
  • 2021-04 - New - Team feature + team common settings - v7.0
  • 2021-03 - Imp - Allow saving passwords for plugin params
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Login - Migrated to latest lib version + Hooks + Material UI v4 + common structure and components - v4.0
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Remove unnecessary fields from customer
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Webpack5 + fast-refresh
  • 2021-01 - Imp - Add windowing feature to grids for performance.
  • 2021-01 - New - Allow plugins for Tag enrichment decoding.
  • 2021-01 - Imp - Allow API calls in HTTP headers decoding plugins.
  • 2021-01 - Imp - Map visual improvements: latency on link, tooltip actions, details views of links and nodes, fixed positions stored in user settings.
  • 2021-01 - New - Certificate decoder plugin.
  • 2021-01 - Imp - Pause background tasks when not visible.


  • 2020-12 - New - Allow plugins for HTTP headers decoding.
  • 2020-12 - New - Plugins framework. - v6.0
  • 2020-12 - Imp - Added export to clipboard to complex config inputs (those that accept copy/paste inside)
  • 2020-12 - Imp - HTTP Body is loaded as blob to allow displaying raw / images or anything in only 1 request to server.
  • 2020-12 - Imp - Timeline can zoomout indefinitely. Set default timespan for INTERFACE whisp and remove costly timespan request.
  • 2020-12 - New - Possibility to define custom content-type when no header present in the com.
  • 2020-12 - Imp - Refactor dynamic columns and filters. Works with smartfilters.
  • 2020-12 - New - Excel export of grid with formatters and columns width
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Possibility to change JSON-LD contexts in one place
  • 2020-11 - Imp - HTTP allows duration in ms
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Resize handlers on bottom drawer and details
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Neater bread crumbs
  • 2020-11 - New - Possibility to get bottom drawer to full screen (grid, seq.diag, stats)
  • 2020-11 - New - Click on grid on same item than opened details will close details
  • 2020-11 - New - Dark theme - v5.0
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Restructure all processing and display dedicated to a protocol (HTTP) into a common folder
  • 2020-11 - Imp - Migrated to latest lib version + Hooks + Material UI v4
  • 2020-08 - Imp - Restructure code for better maintenance
  • 2020-05 - New - Use asyncsearch on long timerange queries: Map, TimeLine & Hosts
  • 2020-05 - New - Smartfilters & filters refactor - v4.0
  • 2020-03 - Imp - Better show long communications on Timeline


  • 2019-11 - Imp - Tabs improvements with multiline
  • 2019-11 - Imp - Parsing quality on timeline
  • 2019-11 - Imp - Better tooltips on network map with templates
  • 2019-10 - New - Template and tags config, columns, selection on stats, fields in details
  • 2019-10 - New - Allow custom contexts for JSON-LD payloads
  • 2019-10 - New - Save headers config
  • 2019-08 - Imp - Allow easier filtering on Whisperers and Users: lowercase, split on whitespace...
  • 2019-08 - Imp - Performance improvement in fetching Whisp Status, and Map query for HTTP
  • 2019-08 - Imp - Improved rollup of TCP sessions for monitoring display
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Don't save settings when loading a link
  • 2019-07 - New - Load settings at start
  • 2019-07 - New - Save settings automatically in NetworkView - v3.0
  • 2019-06 - New - Clone Whisp conf
  • 2019-06 - Imp - Improved Lucene parser and autocompletion
  • 2019-06 - Imp - Filters: List of filters values do still take account all others filters when listing values, but do not take into account current filter selected values. This allow adding values on an already selected filters.
  • 2019-05 - New - Saved queries in NetworkView
  • 2019-05 - New - Login UI now offers to reinitialise a forgotten password - v3.0
  • 2019-05 - New - Login UI now offers to create an account
  • 2019-05 - New - Changed lib for toast, and adapted color to message importance. Refactor.
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Refactored and improved error handling in sagas + fallbacks not to block dependent sagas
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Added Error boundaries to Network UI
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Upgraded Network UI to latest React, D3, ..., Webpack, Koa, Node 10, and optimised bundle - from 10MB to 2MB. - v2.0
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Upgraded Login UI to latest React, Webpack, Koa, Node 10, and optimised bundle. - v2.0
  • 2019-03 - Imp - GUILogs are sent by NetworkView, Monitoring and Login in case of errors
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Errors in View or Controller are sent to GuiLogs service for tracking
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Login UI refactored and GUILogs added
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Removed need for Cookie
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Removed Google Analytics
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Search color highlighting improvements
  • 2019-03 - Imp - Compatibility of UI with Chrome, FF, Chromium and Opera
  • 2019-02 - Imp - Clicking on map nodes for filtering works better, in all configuration.
  • 2019-02 - Imp - Clicking on Seq. Diagram headers now acts the same as for map nodes. With the exception of clients headers in hide gateways mode.
  • 2019-01 - Imp - Stats: Can lock independently time selection and filters / stat settings


  • 2018-11 - New - Goto feature
  • 2018-09 - New - Timescale on sequence diagrams
  • 2018-09 - New - Select all on Grid
  • 2018-07 - New - Import/Export of HTTP coms
  • 2018-07 - Imp - Merging clients on map
  • 2018-05 - New - Excel export of stats
  • 2018-05 - Imp - Display delta since start in sequence diagrams
  • 2018-04 - New - Quick filters on correlation Ids
  • 2018-04 - New - Filters inside columns headers
  • 2018-04 - New - Auto completion in search
  • 2018-04 - New - Color highlighting in search
  • 2018-03 - New - Diff feature between items
  • 2018-03 - New - Grid selection with persistence
  • 2018-03 - New - Loading screen ;-)
  • 2018-03 - Imp - Added Unmatched URIs in stats
  • 2018-03 - New - URI templates
  • 2018-03 - Imp - Node detail panel improvement when many whisperers selected
  • 2018-03 - New - Merged replicas host detail panel
  • 2018-03 - New - Quick filter on client identification
  • 2018-03 - Rmv - Hosts stats panel has been removed
  • 2018-03 - New - Stats bar for faster navigation
  • 2018-03 - New - Export sequence diagram in SVG or PNG
  • 2018-03 - New - History drop down to search
  • 2018-03 - New - Statistics panel
  • 2018-02 - Imp - Better UX for locked Nodes
  • 2018-02 - New - Whisperer settings icon
  • 2018-02 - Imp - Shortened client identification
  • 2018-02 - New - Customise Timeline metric
  • 2018-02 - New - Rights managements on Whisperers
  • 2018-02 - New - Search box for JSON tabs and HTTP req/response
  • 2018-01 - New - Display clients on map
  • 2018-01 - New - Filter on aggregated replicas
  • 2018-01 - Imp - Prevent user selection on map
  • 2018-01 - Imp - Quick filters on status on map
  • 2018-01 - New - Global settings tab
  • 2018-01 - New - Merge replicas mode (Map + Seq diagram)
  • 2018-01 - New - Multi whisperers selection
  • 2018-01 - New - Reset time and zoom on timeline
  • 2018-01 - New - Filters for Whisperers and Users list
  • 2018-01 - New - Drag on timeline
  • 2018-01 - New - Authorization and Rights Management !! - v1.0


  • 2017-12 - Imp - Intermediate times in sequence diagrams
  • 2017-12 - New - Filtering and not saving packets on Config
  • 2017-12 - New - Automatic refresh
  • 2017-12 - New - Negations on quick filters
  • 2017-11 - New - Sequence diagrams!
  • 2017-11 - Imp - URL encoding display
  • 2017-11 - New - Sticky details panel
  • 2017-11 - New - Share your state (links)
  • 2017-10 - New - Whisperer creation, config, remote controls and installation forms
  • 2017-08 - New - API documentation
  • 2017-07 - New - First release in Parkeon project team


  • 2016-11 - New - Starting Login UI
  • 2016-08 - New - Starting Networkview UI

Monitoring UI


  • 2024-10 - New - Gocipher view
  • 2024-10 - Imp - Add TLS parsing info
  • 2024-10 - Imp - Add Gociphers, Ciphers* & TLS* services to map
  • 2024-04 - New - Data storage policies total size graphics
  • 2024-04 - Imp - Added sections to groups graphics and tables. Avoid API requests for graphs when sections are closed.
  • 2024-01 - New - Alert probes status displayed in the top right of main dashboard
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Stats of Whisperers talking to Controller & Controls talking to Whisp
  • 2024-01 - Imp - Upgraded free time selection component to match main UI


  • 2023-07 - New - Redirect to login page on page load when using OIDC and token > 1min
  • 2023-03 - Imp - Mgt of Elasticsearch metrics in Kube pods
  • 2023-03 - Imp - Add Redis status on main dashboard
  • 2023-03 - Imp - Aggregate Logs by service and whisperer
  • 2023-03 - Imp -Aggregate data upload by Whisperer
  • 2023-01 - New - Supports Kubernetes deployment


  • 2022-06 - New - New Whisperer aggregated CPU and RAM view
  • 2022-01 - New - New parsing tab with speed, delay and duration. New parsing gauges in main.
  • 2022-01 - New - Fix Http parsing status gauge and add Tcp parsing status gauge to main.


  • 2021-09 - Imp - Upgrade to Node 16 - latest libs
  • 2021-04 - New - Added new view: Performance to get statistics in one place of APIs response times, Inter services coms, datastore latency and services usage.
  • 2021-02 - New - Excel export to all grids
  • 2021-02 - Imp - Common structure and components with main UI - 5.0


  • 2020-08 - New - Dark theme - 4.0
  • 2020-08 - Imp - Migrated to latest lib version + Hooks + Material UI v4
  • 2020-05 - Imp - Refactor to improve maintenance. Enhance logs integration. - 3.0
  • 2020-05 - Imp - Add more ES processing in load graph
  • 2020-04 - New - Grid to show logs aggregated by codes. Show code in log grid
  • 2020-03 - New - Services API stats in graph and map
  • 2020-03 - New - Servers & services grids


  • 2019-10 - Imp - Use main cluster API to collect ES nodes stats and not _cat/ summary endpoint
  • 2019-09 - New - Extract logs to a specific view
  • 2019-08 - Imp - Time shift between client and server in Whisp current status.
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Long disconnected Whisp are shown with orange / red colors
  • 2019-07 - Imp - Version of Whisp in Whisp current status.
  • 2019-05 - New - On Map, Browser node show GuiLogs and is Red if errors
  • 2019-04 - Imp - Upgraded Monitoring UI to latest React, D3, ..., Webpack, Koa, Node 10, and optimised bundle - 2.0
  • 2019-04 - New - New grid for GuiLogs tracking
  • 2019-03 - New - CPU and RAM of ES nodes in Map and Servers view
  • 2019-03 - New - Rollup index to speed up monitoring timeline
  • 2019-03 - New - Graph with dockers cpu load and ram
  • 2019-03 - New - Cpu and Ram tracking of Traefik, Beats and UIs
  • 2019-03 - New - Metricbeat integration in Docker cluster to track dockers and nodes metrics
  • 2019-03 - New - Filebeat integration in Docker Cluster - for app monitoring.
  • 2019-02 - New - Graph with Redis load/s
  • 2019-02 - New - Graph with Services load/s


  • 2018-10_11_12 - New - New graphs, services...
  • 2018-09 - New - Hosts grids
  • 2018-08 - New - UI view - 1.0
  • 2018-07 - New - Map view
  • 2018-06 - New - Whisperers, Apps, Servers, Logs view
  • 2018-05 - New - Starting Monitoring UI

Home made setup (deprecated)


  • 2023-04 - Imp - Add possibility to update a Kube installation without only the setup.yml file. No need to have previous environment folder.
  • 2023-04 - New - Add possibility to add extra certificates to the S3 connection used for backups
  • 2023-04 - New - Add shutdownDelay option on Kube
  • 2023-04 - New - Add readiness and liveness probes on Kube
  • 2023-04 - New - Distinct samples for Swarm and Kube
  • 2023-03 - New - Polling queue alert
  • 2023-02 - New - Autoscaling on Kube
  • 2023-01 - New - Support Kubernetes deployments


  • 2022-04 - Imp - Manage authorized ES connections
  • 2022-02 - New - New parsingDelay alert
  • 2022-01 - Imp - Manage Redis instances and maxmemory


  • 2021-12 - Imp - Migrate automation scripts to Node with xs lib
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Maintain docker configs in the stacks of config change. Generate config service docker configs.
  • 2021-04 - Imp - Manage index & component templates. Manage migration from legacy to new templates.


  • 2020-04 - Imp - Manage system versions in setup and update
  • 2020-03 - Imp - Script to create system versions
  • 2020-01 - New - Simplified cluster configuration with setup.yml file (apps + elastic + crons + init + demo)

Swarm Watchdog (deprecated)


  • Change docker registry for Whisperers images


  • Deprecated (but still works)


  • Imp - Reload config every minute


  • Imp - Manage local setup for SSS prod


  • New - Manage multi instance whisperers


  • New - Creation of a watchdog to keep Whisperers alive through client cluster restart