Original Url
ยท One min read
I just added a link to the original URL of HTTP communication.
It was... missing, really!
I don't know why I did not add it before.
But here it comes!
How it worksโ
It is very basic: Spider takes standard headers to rebuild the URL as it was requested by the client.
Here is the code if you want to do the same using the API resource:
const uri = item.req.uri;
const basePath = item.req.headers['x-forwarded-basepath'] || '';
const query = item.req.query ? '?'+item.req.query : '';
const hash = item.req.hash ? '#'+item.req.hash : '';
const host = item.req.headers.host;
const proto = item.req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'];
return `${proto || 'https'}://${host}${basePath}${uri}${query}${hash}`;
If the headers are not pushed by the proxy, the URL will be wrong.
Configure your proxy then! ๐