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Saving user settings to server

· 2 min read

Since a long time, user settings were saved in local storage, but if you opened a new session on another computer, you had to set all as you wanted again.

Now, settings are saved on the server. Settings are split in 2: users own settings and global settings:

User settings

  • Grid settings
  • Timeline settings
  • Refresh delays
  • Workspace composition (panels opened and width)
  • Selected view, mode and options
  • Usage stats and errors sending to server
  • ...

Global settings

  • Url templates
  • Merge patterns for replicas and clients
  • Correlation tokens
  • Stats configurations
  • Saved queries
  • ...


  • Settings are stored after a change on one of them, but with a delay of x seconds. As settings are often not changed alone, it reduces server calls
    • Then user has to wait a bit before settings is saved
    • The settings icon is shown with white fill when a save is waiting
    • The settings icon is rotated on saving

  • Date of last saving is displayed in settings panel

  • List of saved settings is available in source tab of settings panel
  • Defaults
    • Saving settings is enabled by default on start (cannot be changed)
    • Saving settings can be disabled in settings panel
    • Saving settings are disabled by default when loading an external link (not to override user's settings)
  • Global settings will be able to be overridden by team settings on coming months

Cloning an existing Whisperer configuration

· One min read

Very neat to avoid mistake or save time when setting up a new Whisperer:

  • Now, when editing a Whisperer configuration, you may clone the configuration values of an existing Whisperer to fasten your edition.
    • The edition is still in progress, you may accept or cancel the changes.
  • This is possible for all 3 current configurations tabs:
    • Capture config
    • Parsing config
    • Share
  • The list of Whisperers to clone is taken from the filtered list in the whisperers selection input of the menu. Thus, you can use Elasticsearch power to filter the ones you want to clone.
    • Easy and neat. Just have to know it ;)


I don't know why it took my so long to start implementing this, I overuse it already :) So neat !!

Saved queries

· One min read

It is now possible to save existing queries  and give them a name, to reload them afterwards.

Note: The query only includes the generated filter in the search input, no information is saved on the selected time, the current view or the filters input.

Saving a query

  • To save a query, click on the save icon

  • In input is show to give it a name
    • If the query has already been saved (and is not modified), the name of the current query is shown
    • Changing the name will update / replace the saved query name

  • You may give the same name to different query. It is up to you to remove old ones.
  • The saved queries are linked to the selected View (HTTP, TCP...)

Loading a saved query

  • Once saved, a query can be reloaded by clicking the load icon

  • The list of saved query shows up with alphabetical sorting

  • The search input is filled with the selected query and search is executed

Select filter improvement

· One min read

Filters selection dropdown has been improved.

  • Previously, the select applied the current query to show you the available options.
    • If you had previously selected a value, no other value could be displayed, as the query was filtering them out;
  • Now, the select gathers the available options by running the current query, but without applying the current filter selection. Thus allowing you to add more values in the selected options of this filter.

This is much more useful than showing a blank select dropdown ;-)

Syntax highlighting of Elasticsearch query langage (DSL) has been improved

· One min read

With Streetsmart team help and Ace one, we improved Lucene syntax highlighting in Ace, and then in Spider.

The custom parser I put in place better parses:

  • Field identifiers
  • Numbers
  • Dates
  • Wilcards
  • Regular expressions
  • IP adresses
  • Ranges

And has better parenthesis matching.

All in all, editing queries by hand has never been so easy :-)

User management - Password reinitialization, user creation, mail confirmations

· 3 min read

Before going public, I needed extended features in user account management:

  • User needed to be able to reinitialize his password when he forgot it
    • Without contacting the support
    • With security and identity confirmation: getting a link by mail to enter a new password
  • User needed to be able to change email in a secured way
    • Since email is used for password recovery, changing mail must be secured by something stronger than current token
    • User then needed to enter its password when changing email
  • User needed to be notified by mail when changing email or password
  • Since email was getting very important, emails needed to be confirmed
    • When setting an new email adress, user need to confirm the email by cliking on a link sent to him by email
    • At user account creation, or email change
  • Last but not least, a new user needs to be able to create its account with or without admin confirmation

First, I needed to create an email service.

Mail sender service

This is a simple mail over REST service, integrated with a defined account.

Then I needed to define and develop the flows

Password recovery

Process is the following:

  • On login screen, click on the password forgotten link, and enter your email adress

  • A mail is sent to your adress (if the account exists) with a link to change your password

  • The link opens a new window were you may set a new password The link has a limit in validity and won't work after a short period of time The link can only be used once

Changing an email or a password

When changing email or password in profile edition tab, Spider is now requesting that you provide current password:


  • If you change email
    • An informative email is sent to previous mail to tell about mail change

    • Another email is sent to new email address with a link to confirm new mail
  • If you change password
    • An informative email is sent to confirm change of password

Checking an email

At account creation, or at email change, an activation email is sent to user's email address to confirm his email:

This email contains a link to confirm the new address. It is valid only once and for a limited time.

  • Clicking on the link validates the email change.

  • Not doing so on time... locks down the account, and only an administrator can unlock it.

Creating an account

A new user can now create an account from the login screen:

A creation form opens to input user details:

At the bottom of it, a comment input allows to give information for the administrator validating the account (if need be).

The new user will receive an email to confirm his email address.

Depending on platform settings, the account may need validation/activation by an administrator.

  • The latter will then receive an email automatically, once the email is confirmed.
  • He can also associates whisperers to the new account, if requested.

GUI errors are caught and sent to server

· 2 min read

Thanks to Error boundaries and refactoring of errors on the saga side, I implemented something similar to what is offering:

  • Client side errors tracking

Indeed, Sentry is right: clients do not send you the errors they found, it is best to get them yourselves! If you want to troubleshoot easily your GUI errors, you have to know them.

So this is what I did:

Sending the client side errors

  • Saga error and React error are caught globally
  • Once caught they are enriched with as many metadata as I can
    • Last request performed in case of Saga errors
    • What React component failed in case of React errors
    • A dump of current Redux state
      • I reused the 'share' feature :)
    • Last user action performed
      • I had it from my session tracking statistics feature
  • Then the log is sent to Spider server in background.
    • If this sending fails, nothing is done, except console logging.

Reporting on the client side errors

As I'm already using Elasticsearch to store most resources, storing the UI logs inside was peanuts. And then, I had included them in Spider monitoring UI:

  • I know how many errors were done and when

  • I can browse them

  • I can open them to find details and troubleshoot

Here it is a safety belt when the interval of timeLine is too small comparing to time range. I need to do something on timeline to avoid having these errors. See, it is useful! :)

  • I can search for similarities
  • And... I can open the user state in Spider UI and reproduce the error, just by copy pasting the link :-)

Amazing !

New toasts

· One min read

React 16 allowed me to integrate a much better toast library than the one offered initially by Material UI: react-notifications-component

This library offers:

  • Notifications types: info, warn, error...
  • Customisation with images, titles and so on
  • Notifications stacking
  • Custom placements...

The integration was purely limited to changing the encapsulation of Material UI notifications and offering more types to saga errors. Quite quick :)

Here is an example of notifications when you try to zoom too much (with the scroll):

React Upgrade - Error boundaries, new Toast, new Tabs

· 2 min read

Long time no news! Not that Spider did not progress during 3 months, more that I was lasy to write about it.

There are been a series of improvements, and I'm about to share the most important ones.

All UIs have been migrated to lastest React: 16.8

This was much needed and postponed, as I was still using React 14. Migration was mostly seemless witht the nice tooling offered by the community, and the scripts to converts the code (extract PropTypes, use PureComponents...)

Libraries upgrade

In the same time, I upgraded nearly all libraries. Few libraries couldn't get upgrade as the changes were too big:

  • Tabs: the library I used was not maintained (react-tab-panel), and the repo has been removed. I switched to react-tabs. Which offers less features, is simpler, but is well maintained.
  • Redux
    • Redux was not upgraded to latest version as this one was using React context and was showing performance issues. I have to wait for next one.
  • React-select
    • React-select did a major rework and change, and upgrade will need a seperate task. Moreover, it did not fill needed.
  • React-dropzone
    • Major interface break as well, less prioritary.
  • Material-UI
    • Material UI encountered many major version change, and this would impact much of the UI to upgrade it.
    • I created a separate task for this.

New feature: Error boundaries

Coming with React 16 are improved error boundaries. The features help catching rendering errors in React component tree and handle them gracefully by rendering a fallback when the error is catched.

I encapsulated all branches of Spider UI into these new error boundaries, so that the error is nicely catch and displayed. And so that avoiding the source of the error (changing record, or timespan) would avoid the error without requiring a full refresh of the page.

  • The bottom grid
  • The detail view
  • A detail view tab
  • The map
  • The timeline
  • The menu

When an error happens, instead of the expected content, you will see a poor fallen spider ;)

Here is a sample of an error on an HTTP request detail:

Browsers compatibility improved

· One min read

I corrected some Javascript and CSS, and now Spider UI has been successfully tested on:

  • Chrome
  • Chromium
  • Firefox
  • Opera

I always used latest version of course. There might be some unseen issues, please inform me if you find any.

Edge will not be supported as too limited, and for Safari... I don't have an Apple laptop to test ;-), sorry!