Moving from Pets to Cattle
Whisperers have moved from Pets to Cattle :-)
Previously each Whisperer needed to have its own configuration and was launched independently. If many Whisperers had the same configuration, there would be conflicts in parsing.
Now, Whisperers can have many instances sharing the same configuration. For instance, on Streetsmart, instead of having one Whisperer for each gateway in the cluster, there is one instance of the same Whisperer attached to each gateway.
- Setup is simple
- Configuration is simpler
- Usage is simpler (only one Whisperer to select in UI / API)
- UI speed is also faster, thanks to Whisperer based data sharding, and some preaggregation
- And it is opening the usage of Whisperers inside Kubernetes pods ;-)
Whisperer selection now looks like:
To see one environment, you only need to select SIT1 Whisperer, and you will see all communications from all its instances. The instances count is displayed next to the Whisperer name.
Whisperers instances status are merged into one: Clicking on the instances link gives the status of each Whisperer instance:
The name resolution tracked by each Whisperer instance are also aggregated into one in the backoffice, in order to fasten UI operations and name resolution of nodes.
This change required a big rework of the data architecture of Spider. Everything seems to work good and safe, but if you notice any weird behavior or bug, please keep me informed :-)
I hope you'll like it!