Installing Whisperers
Spider Whisperers are used to capture communications for analysis in Spider.
To create a Whisperer, follow these steps:
A. Create the Whisperer
Create the Whisperer on the UI
- For the team
- Or directly for a User
- For the team
Create a Whisperer
form opens
Define the Whisperer main configuration
- Name - as you wish
- Mode:
- Capture -
- Pcap filter
- Save Packets, Tcp, HTTP content
to create the Whisperer
The Whisperer details opens.
B. Fetch configuration
Move to the
tab- The tab has inline instruction to help you to install your new Whisperer.
Click on
- It generates a couple of private / public keys for authentication
- And gives you the private key in a locally generated config file
Keep this file safe as it is required for your Whisperer to authenticate with the server.
C. Install the Whisperer an the system to capture
You may setup Whisperers, either:
- Locally, for local development / tests
- On your servers, to observe dedicated hosts or full clusters.
Whisperers may be setup:
- As standalone Docker containers
- As Docker containers attached to another container (Swarm / Compose / ...)
- As sidecars in Kubernetes workloads (PODs)
- As ephemeral containers in Kubernetes workloads 😍
- Or even, as a Node.js script
- Please contact Floocus in this case, since Whisperers are not
not packaged
by default.
- Please contact Floocus in this case, since Whisperers are not
Whisperers have good chances to be compatible with other container run times and orchestration.
But you'll have to test on your own, there is too many variants 🤗
As you see, most configuration is not in the infrastructure. So it is easy to test!
Available images
Whisperers are available for 2 architectures: x86 32bits and 64bits:
(available on request)
Versioned tags are available, matching the system versions.
Docker images of Whisperers are public.