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Upload hosts


When you import a pcap file, it does not contain any Hostname information.
And Spider does not resolve the IP addresses while you upload it (it does not make sense).

So you can only set the Hosts names in the UI, one by one.
This is tedious when the pcap file is coming from data coming from Spider itself.

To counter this, Spider offers a feature to Export and Import Hosts records.


In the Whisperers details panel, in the Hosts tab, click on the EXPORT HOSTS button.
A JSON file is downloaded.



Hosts files may be uploaded only on specific Whisperers dedicated to UPLOAD. In order not to mess with real captured data.

  1. Select an upload whisperer (1 only)
  2. Click on the upload button or drop the file (top left of screen)
  3. Some information on the file is displayed
  4. Press upload, and it sends the Hosts records



Uploaded Hosts records are 'merged' to existing records.