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Monitoring a Gocipher

As for Whisperer, each Gocipher sends its status to the server at regular interval.

Spider Monitoring UI include a page specific for Gociphers metrics, and a summary in the services map.
The Gocipher details on the analysis UI also shows latest status, aggregated, and for each instance.

Status tab


You can access there, from top to bottom:

  • The Gocipher version
  • The count of instances (one by node in a Kubernetes cluster)
  • When it started and for how long it has been running
  • Its resource usage (quite low, as usual 😉 )
  • The count of Tls secrets it has captured, its current speed and if it has lost some while waiting for the server (overflow)
  • The count of targets and if some are:
    • Inactive: no OpenSsl library found, or Whisperer no recording
    • In error: ...

Targets tab

The targets tab lists all targets requested for this Gocipher to watch.


Targets are collapsed by default, click on the title to expand them.

You know:

  • The Whisperer capturing the network
  • The Target. Above, the containers being watched: [Workload kind] Namespace / Pod name / Container name.
  • How many probes have been attached - linked to how many replicas.
  • The errors if there are.
  • The SSL libraries discovered:
    • Path
    • Mode: openssl or node
    • OpenSsl version
    • The path of the application binary, here: .Net
    • How many secrets where captured since the Uprobe attachment