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Sharing a Gocipher

As for all other Spider resources, you need specific rights to access Gociphers.

The Share tab allows you to share it, in a consistent manner as other Spider resources.

  • Share with a team
  • Share with individual users


Teams access

To share with a team:

  1. Edit the Teams access list
  2. Click on Add.png
  3. Enter his team name

Users access

To share with a user:

  1. Edit the Users access list
  2. Click on Add.png
  3. Enter his email address


Teams and Users are displayed as badges:

  • For operators and administrators, users are displayed as Given name and Family name.
  • For normal users, only email is displayed
  • For deleted users, the email is displayed with a strike through line

Users rights

A user with Rights Gocipher access right may manage other users' access rights.

For a new or existing user, you may change his rights by checking the corresponding checkboxes in the Users rights parts.

List of rights and description

ShareCan manually share the Gocipher with teams or users.
RightsCan edit the Gocipher access rights of other users.
InstallCan install the Gocipher.
DeleteCan delete the Gocipher.

Saving checks

When saving, Spider checks:

  • If the team names correspond to existing teams
  • If the mails correspond to existing users
  • If the existing users are still existing and if they changed mail


As usual, on the edition component:


Component actions

  • Add.png icon adds a new line
  • Remove.png white icon removes a line
  • Clear.png removes all lines
  • Copy.png copies the values as a table to be pasted in Excel / Google sheet
    • Pressing Ctrl or Shift at once adds a headers row.

You may also edit the table in Excel and paste the result in the first text field of row. All lines pasted will be added at once.